What You Need to Know About Investing Strategies

TL;DR Steady Strategy: Allocations stay the same; rebalancing once a year is recommended Energized Strategy: Allocations may change every month depending on strategy rules and market performance. Rebalancing to currently monthly allocation is recommended.  There’s countless ways to categorize investing strategies. But we’re reimagining these from the investor’s POV. The only principle separating strategies into two buckets is this: is the investor required to perform a different action each month? The answer to this classifies all strategies as either Steady or Energized strategies. There are mainly 2 basic principles that are followed for any strategy design. The one in which the assets list/allocation stays the same - Steady, the one in which asset list may change every month, depending on rules - Energized. What is a Steady strategy? One that doesn’t shift month-to-month and just stays…steady. This type of strategy